Sea of Segments

July 2021

Sea of Segments is constructed from LED displays, circuit boards, steel & acrylic.

The display is 817 × 427 × 27mm and hangs from two lengths of steel wire, from which it is also powered.

Photos were taken by Chris Cairns.

If you’re interested in how it was made, see Building a Sea of Segments.

All the design, electronics, software and build was done by myself, but the project wouldn’t have been possible without the help of many. Thanks go to:

  • Sean Malikides for getting the project off my TODO list
  • Star Holden for hours of chats and idea bouncing
  • Chris Cairns for his constant support and help with documentation
  • Dan Lowe for this time & help with filming the work
  • Mike Skrgatic at Time Based Arts for the letting us shoot the film in his studio
  • Everyone at String & Tins who helped make the wonderful soundtrack for the video